Firefestival outfit

The past weekend, Blizzard had free-to-play for players who have been offline for a while. I had not played since February, so I thought: “Why not try?”. And here I am now and have resubscribed… Like probably many others… Suckers! At least I payed with in game gold! Swedish currency has been going down a bit so it is getting a bit more expensive (we are charged in Euro).

Yesterday, when I was waiting for something (The World of Queueing) I decided to change my transmog I had for quite a long time, the Yellow Warlock. The weekend was midsummer, and I thought of something summerish, as in Sweden Midsummer is a big holiday, associated with flowers, and dancing and special food and (for some) drinking and … eum… fertility. But then realised it is the Warcraft Fire Festival. Since I am destruction specced something fiery would be nice. I have regularly used title “Flame Warden”.

I just read Alunaria’s Time to get creative #3 – Show me your Midsummer Fire Festival transmog, so I took some screenies, and here it is.

A collage of red and some orange. A few flames, and red hair, and…


I joined the festivities with my minion. Honestly, I do not use succubus very often, but I was just out of a battleground. Honestly.


Today I got a quest to travel to Silithus and I caught fire there!


There was a an explosion, I flew far far away, through rain that put out the fire and I wound up unscathed here:


I did leave. I felt like I was intruding.

And that’s the story! Believe it or not!

10 thoughts on “Firefestival outfit

  1. I missed responding to this, I’m so sorry. The dance made it all come together, super cool and fitting for the class and event πŸ™‚

    Hah, indeed, suckers! Clever, sneaky Blizzard. Always ready to pounce your wallet.

    Lol, nice story. I believe you. I hope the nest didn’t catch fire…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ❀
      The fire was out and I was rainsoaked and then dried when I finally landed. That nest was a sort of bed and breakfast. But I felt like I was the potential breakfast. I am not a coward, but that eagle was HUGE! πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha, I hear you. What a location for a Bed and Breakfast! Must visit. πŸ˜€ I know. Sometimes, it’s hard to really notice the size of those creatures, unless they are neutral, I think, and one can stand right next to them

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        1. Speaking of size. When I read your latest blog post and saw the images of Sargeras sword in the distance, I thought what if it had been there in game back when one could not fly. You see some huge sword in the distance and wonder what it is, then you may hear it is in a zone that is much too dangerous unless you level to max level and still it is dangerous, and you see that sword looming in the distance for weeks.
          It is not so overwhelming as it could be.
          “Omg, Sargeras put hisgigantic sword into the planet, Azeroth is bleeding, let’s gather azerite before the goblins do it.”
          Maybe I am a bit evil (or just non-immersive?) now πŸ˜‰

          Liked by 1 person

          1. No, I entirely hear what you are saying. The size of the sword does seem a tad “off” depending where you fly from. I would love it, if one could see a lot further than what is possible in WoW. I saw a video on Youtube once, where you were able to see incredibly far (but super slowed computer down then). It was so immersive though!

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