
Hello and welcome to this humble little blog about World of Warcraft. It is not too serious, and I will not post very often. Nevertheless, I do hope it brings some enjoyment to the reader. Or readers, if I am lucky 😉

Wisteria is my oldest character and my first main from back in early vanilla. It is not my main any more (that’s a warlock) but it is the character nearest to my heart. This blog will be about several of my chars, whenever they come across something funny or interesting.

I have used WordPress quite much over the years, but this is my first blog at wordpress.com, so it is also a little bit a test of that service. So far it is familiar, but also in parts surprisingly different. I do have a free account here, so that may explain part of it.

I got inspired to do a little wow-blogging from my dear friend Alunaria. Hers is a great blog!

You can follow by email from a button down on the right (I think), or from The WordPress Reader (which I just learnt about). If you want to subscribe (“follow”) in the good auld way, that also is more privacy-friendly, then just pick up the feed at https://azerothwis.wordpress.com/feed/